Intensive Care Unit, Risk Factors, Malignancy, MortalityAbstract
Background: The decision to admit advanced cancer patients to the intensive care unit (ICU) is multifaceted, considering factors such as prognosis and quality of life. Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify mortality risk factors in critically ill advanced cancer patients admitted to the ICU. Study Design: This was an observational study. Setting: The study was conducted at Bahria International Hospital, Lahore. Duration of Study: The study was conducted between March 2022 and March 2023.Material and Methods: A total of 65 adult cancer patients admitted non-electively to the ICU were enrolled in the study. Data on demographics, clinical conditions, and outcomes were collected. Independent medical decisions were collected by ICU staff. Results: The ICU mortality rate was 34.6%, increased to 59.4% within thirty days post-discharge. Patients spent an average of 15.2 days in the ICU. Common admission reasons included respiratory failure (36.2%) and sepsis/septic shock (59.2%). Cox regression analysis revealed six significant indicators of poor outcomes: acute kidney injury (AKI), sepsis with multiple organ failure (MOF), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), uncontrolled malignancy, mechanical ventilation, and vasopressor use. Conclusion: Our findings highlight AKI, sepsis, MOF, ARDS, and uncontrolled malignancy as prognostic predictors of early death in critically ill cancer patients admitted to the ICU. Additionally, mechanical ventilation and vasopressor use are associated with increased mortality risk. These insights can aid clinicians in optimizing care strategies for cancer patients
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