Delirium Prevalence, ICU Length of Stay, Predictors of Delirium, Multidisciplinary Preventive Strategies, Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC)Abstract
Background: Patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) often experience delirium, which is associated with adverse outcomes including prolonged ICU stays, increased mortality rates, and elevated healthcare costs. Despite its significance, delirium in Pakistan remains understudied. Objectives: To assess the delirium prevalence, identify predisposing factors and precipitating events, determine predictors of delirium, and explore its impact on ICU length of stay and mortality. Study Design: The study utilized a prospective observational design. Setting: The study was conducted at Bahria International Hospital ICU in Lahore, Pakistan. Duration of Study: This study was conducted from September 2022 to March 2023. Material and Methods: Utilizing the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC), bedside nursing staff evaluated 140 patients twice daily. Data on predisposing factors, precipitating events, and clinical parameters were collected. Regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of delirium. Results: The study found a delirium prevalence of 29.2%, significantly affecting ICU length of stay. Regression analysis identified sepsis, metabolic acidosis, nasogastric tube use, and APACHE II score as independent predictors of delirium among ICU patients. Conclusion: Given the detrimental effects of delirium, implementing multidisciplinary preventive strategies targeting modifiable risk factors are recommended to improve patient outcomes.
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