
  • MRO SIDDIQI Department of Cardiology, United Medical and Dental College. Karachi
  • T SARWAR Department of Medicine and Critical Care, Bahria Town International Hospital Lahore, Pakistan
  • R PERVAIZ Department of Medicine and Critical Care, Bahria Town International Hospital Lahore, Pakistan
  • AHA AWAD Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Rashid Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • AM ABDELBAKY Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Rashid Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • WG ELMASRY Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Rashid Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates



Stem cells, iPSCs, ESCs, Cardiovascular disorders


Stem cells are of great significance, and their development has allowed healthcare workers to develop new treatment methods with more efficacy. Stem cells possess the ability to divide into all three germ layers but there are many ethical problems related to the use of these cells. Therefore, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were developed from the somatic cells, especially fibroblasts to overcome these issues. These cells also have the ability to divide into all three germ layers without any ethical problem. This allows them to advance in the field of stem cells. With their development scientists are now working on developing regenerative medicines. Heart problems are one of the leading causes of death around the globe and these iPSCs can help overcomes these problems with more efficacy and the least side effects.


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