Intensive Care Units, Pain Management, Postoperative Pain, Prospective Studies, Quran, Spiritual Therapies, Visual Analog ScaleAbstract
Background: Pain management is crucial for patients admitted to the ICU, particularly those with significant pain levels. Non-pharmacological interventions, including spiritual practices, have been proposed to alleviate pain. Objective: To evaluate the effects of listening to the Surah Al-Rehman on pain and length of stay (LoS) in the ICU and hospital among patients with a pain score greater than 5 on the visual analog scoring system (VAS). Study Design: Prospective case-control study. Setting: The study was conducted at Bahria Town International Hospital Lahore. Duration of Study: September 2021 to August 2023. Material and Methods: Patients who met the inclusion criteria (aged 18 years or older, ICU admission, VAS pain score >5, ability to engage with the investigator, signed consent form, no hearing impairments, and no hemodynamic disturbances, minimum stay of four days at ICU) were enrolled. The intervention group (n=50) listened to Surah Al-Rehman for 20 minutes thrice daily for seven days. The control group (n=50) received standard care. Pain levels were measured using a numerical scale (0-10) at baseline and on the fourth day. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 21. Results: The study included 100 patients admitted to the Department of Internal and Critical Care Medicine at Bahria International Hospital Lahore. Baseline pain levels were similar between groups. Post-intervention, the intervention group reported significantly lower pain scores (4.59 ± 2.41) than the control group (5.54 ± 2.64, p=0.03). A paired t-test showed a significant reduction in pain scores within the intervention group (p=0.03). The intervention group also had a significantly shorter ICU length of stay (LoS) (5.1 ± 4.18 vs. 6.41 ± 4.25 days, p<0.05) and hospital LoS (10.54 ± 3.45 vs. 15.84 ± 6.36 days, p<0.05). Conclusion: Listening to the Surah Al-Rehman significantly reduced pain and shortened ICU and hospital stays for patients admitted with high pain levels. These findings suggest that incorporating spiritual care, such as Quran recitation, may enhance postoperative recovery and reduce the need for pharmacological pain management.
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